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Privacy Policy | Mnemokino

What kind of information do we collect?

We receive, collect and store the information you add to our website in contact forms, such as your name and email. In addition, we collect the IP address used to connect your computer. We may use tools to measure and collect browsing information, including page response times, total time spent on certain pages, page interaction information and the methods used to leave the page.


How do we collect information?

When you fill out a contact form with your name and email address on our website, as part of the procedure, we collect the information you provide.


What use do we make of your personal information?

  1. Provide and operate our services;

  2. To receive suggestions, complaints or meet support needs;

  3. To contact our readers with general or personalized notices related to advertising and marketing services and messages, such as newsletters, for example;

  4. To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred non-personal information that may be used by us or our business partners to provide and improve our respective services;

  5. To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.


How is your data stored?

Our blog is hosted on the platform. provides us with an online platform that allows us to sell products and services to our customers. Your information may be stored in the database. stores your information on secure servers behind a firewall.


How do we communicate with our readers?

At this moment, our main contact with our readers is through a monthly newsletter that the reader subscribes freely and can unsubscribe at any time.


What is the cookie policy?

This website uses cookies enabled by and Google Analytics.

The following links explain how to access cookie settings in various browsers:

To not be tracked by Google Analytics on all sites, visit this link:


How can I request that my data be deleted from this site?

If you do not want it more than possible for us to collect your personal information, please contact us via  email


Modifications to this Privacy Policy

We have the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please check back regularly. Changes and clarifications will be put into effect immediately after the change to our website. If we make changes to the materials in this policy, we will notify you so that you are aware of the information we collect and how we use it.  


Questions and suggestions

If you want to: access, correct or delete any information we have collected about you, please feel free to contact us at


General Data Protection Law

This site follows the General Data Protection Law of Brazil.

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